Direct Select Lag

When deleting Direct Selects, I like to use a little shortcut where I put "Delete" on the command line, tap the Direct Select once, then tap it again to confirm Delete.

Used to be, I could press [Delete], then double-tap on the Direct Select to delete it.  But as of v3.0 or thereabouts, there is lag on the Direct Selects, where after pressing the box the first time, you need to wait a full second or two for the box to light up before you can tap it again.  This goes for both mouse input and internal touchscreen input on the Eos Ti.  I haven't tested it on newer hardware.

In the attached video, I'm trying to delete a Group using a double-tap.  The first two times it doesn't work, but on the 3rd attempt I intentionally waited a second between taps.

(Note: This shortcut works independently of the "DirSel. Dbl Clk" option in Device Setups. I leave that option is turned off.  However, with the option turned on, I can double-tap a Direct Select quickly, and it will select the channels and put them in the target as expected.  I want the "Delete" syntax to work with that quick double-tap speed.

Also, maybe it's time to get rid of the abbreviation and write out the words "Direct Select Double-Click" in the Setup tab? Just a thought.)



Eos Ti v3.2.2
