Figuring Out an Inhibitor Sub for Blueouts with LED Pars

I've been scratching my head trying to figure this out for a while and can't quite find a solution that works. Hoping someone here might be able to help. 

The scenario is this: I work in a multi-use performing arts center with a lot of dance events programming on an Ion. Often we are programming lights on the fly for a show, director tells us a color, we create the look while the blueout submaster is on using a magic sheet to point everything towards those colors, dance starts, submaster is off and the look is up. 

The issue is that we were always able to park the blue lights in our strip lights for the blueout, but we've replaced our strip lights with LED pars. Now if we park a blue value, even super low, it messes with any color we try to make with those pars.  To work around this, we've made our blueout look a cue on a fader, but every time we raise the fader, it erases the manual data we put in with the magic sheet. The changes from dance to dance are quick, so being able to just pick colors instead of intensity is really important (we're also changing cyc floods on faders too in the time in between dances, but that's fine since they are on faders and not erased by the blueout cue on fader). 

Essentially, with the workflow we've made, how can I still have a blueout on a fader that doesn't erase manual data entered prior to that blueout now that we have LED pars?
