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"1 at - 0 Enter" == "1 at 0 Enter"?


When you go 

"1 at - 01 Enter"

it subtracts 1 (or technically 1% according to the manual) to whatever the current value is. That's a relative change. When you go 

"1 at 01 Enter" 

it sets it to 01 full stop, assuming no subs or anything are influencing it. That's an absolute change. So adding a plus sign or minus sign should always make it a relative parameter change, not an absolute parameter change. Right? I ask because when I go 

"1 at - 0 Enter",

It does the exact same thing as if I had gone

"1 at 0 Enter"

Why? Shouldn't it do absolutely nothing instead? This is causing a software problem in stuff that I'm coding. I can patch it on my end, but it seems like a pretty strange thing to have to account for. "at + 0" behaves as expected.

changed added to subtracted
[edited by: jordanhenshaw at 1:04 AM (GMT -5) on Sat, Jun 29 2024]
[locked by: Nick.Gonsman at 9:56 PM (GMT -5) on Mon, Jul 8 2024]