move groups

Hello everyone,

is there a workaround to move a group (IE group 1 to group 8)  the move_to command doesn't seem to work.

thanks for your help


  • I like the idea to have an 'edit' mode on the DS, with drag&drop placement.
  • hydrogen said:
    Now, I will say that I've always wondered why we can use both "copy to" and "recall from" to transfer levels between items (and why they sometimes have different behaviors...) Maybe it would make sense to change copy to/move to to move the target around, and recall from to grab the values, but that would be a surprise to a lot of people who currently expect something else.

    Copy to and Recall From are different because they leave you with different channels selected at the end of the operation.  Sometimes you want to "put" data into another channel but leave the source channel selected.  Sometimes you want to "grab" data from another channel and leave the target channel selected.  It's all about which direction you are working/thinking at that moment, and what operation you are planning on doing next.  We need to have both functions work for channel-level commands.

    Recall From and Copy To should behave the same with channel-level functions.  Where do you see different behaviors?

    On the bigger issue of moving & copying the groups themselves, it's critical to maintain that all functions applied to groups in Live or Blind apply to the contents of those groups and not the groups themselves.  "Group 1 Copy To Group 2" is an incredibly powerful function, and I use it every day.  While "Group 1 Move to Group 2" currently throws a syntax error, moving move commands (in blind) or manual data (in live) are features that many of us would love to see.

    Toggling an edit mode on direct selects would be one way to add some flexibility here, but I'm not sure this would satisfy Matthew or the others who are asking to be able to move/copy groups in Live.  And, isn't pressing [Group][Group] before you move or copy groups with the DS tiles already effectively the same thing as entering an "Edit" mode?
