Planned for Future

cue label

There is always a problem with the display of cue label as soon as there is a cue part. See screenshot


  • After some discussion, we have written this up as a future change - to allow Blind Spreadsheet to show you the overall cue label. Thank you! 

  • I believe the reason the text doesn't go to cue part 1 automatically is to give you the ability to label all the parts individually to describe what is specifically in them. Often the overall cue label is different from the labels for part 1-20 (or however many you have.) I do agree that the cue label is important information. Thank you for your post! It is valuable feedback and I have used it to start a discussion with the team about this issue. 
  • Your example is exactly what I'm talking about Why the text doesn't go to the cue part 1 automatically as it replaces the starting cue as soon as we do a part 2. I use this display a lot to have a view of the circuits in the cuelist and it would be easier to have the text of the cue to identify
  • That is a good point, and I agree that the overall cue label is important information. Currently, this is intended behavior. I have started the discussion about displaying the cue label and not just the part labels. Thank you for the report! 
  • I think is posting because if you have essential infos for the cue itself as well as for the parts, in Blind Spreadsheet you don't get the full picture because you can't see the label of the cue. You get to see all the values but not all the labels