Reference based Groups for Effects

You can use Groups to define Channels for Effects but this applies them absolutely as channel numbers so if you update a group, the effect will not update to use the new grouping... It'll continue to use Chan 1>10 if you change Group 1 to 1>5...

  • Seeing as this is how MA3 and recipes work, it would be great have the same kind of idea in EOS. I’m doing a show right now and the pixel tape may or may not be one or two short from previz to on-site. It would be nice to be able to have groups referenced in effects so you can just go in and add the the channel(s) and bam, show updated.

  • Yes, I'm not sure there is an easier way to achieve this actually... What we had was a load of Cuelists on playbacks each with different step-based effects on and while you could achieve the same with an absolute effect, it would have needed about 10 cues vs the single cue, creating 10 datapoints which constantly need updating as they're absolute sets of channels recorded.

    At least with the step-based effect, all I had to do was update the channels for each step, for each effect.

    But it all would be 10x easier if you could have Reference Groups...

    What we needed to change was which bank of cells along the batten was each segment, so we might want 3 cells, then miss one, then a group of 4 cells, then miss 3, then a group of 2 cells... etc.

    But without reference groups, you're stuck with a load of absolute channels. Very Messy!

  • aha, now i get it.

    Having a Group as a referenz-point was something i read somewhere before, but couldn't find it in the Feature Request.

    For your special situation you could work around with some Submasters and making the FX-channels NULL in the Cues in question.
    Or make the priority higher on the Subs...
    And i would rather use Absolute FXs for testing than Steptbased...
    Many ways to the goal.

    But yes, i could see that beeing helpful some times, referencing the Group as a container with variable content.
    Thank you for the input.

  • No, this isn't an existing function, I was trying to explain this is the existing behaviour, when you type Group 1, it makes it absolute channels 1>10. There's no option to choose between making it reference-based (Group 1) and it becoming Absolute Chan 1>10, as it currently does. You're forced to have it take the channels absolutely.

  • [quote]And you could always add the function to do [Group] 1 {Make Abs} to add the channels absolutely into the effect... Kind of how it behaves at the moment, it's just you don't have the option to do anything other than Make Abs when adding channels.[/quote]

    I don't get what this is doing.
    Is it already working code? If so, can you teach it to me, please?