OSC dealing with macro waits

OSC question. Just updated to 2.6.3, and have a couple of macros that are trigger via an iPad running touchOSC. These macros have a ‘wait for enter’ in them, so they start fine, but when I try to press enter via OSC, it doesn’t execute the rest of the macro. I know the enter button is mapped correctly, because I can type a channel number and hit enter to select it, it just seems that an OSC ‘enter’ only works on the command line and not to complete a macro execution. Is this true? A bug? An over site? Or is there another command that needs to be scripted in order to accomplish this?

  • I tried this out and was able to get it working with the following:

    /eos/macro/1/fire (starts the macro)
    /eos/key/enter (presses enter)

    I do note that /eos/cmd/enter will terminate the command line but not resume a wait_for_enter macro. I'd bet that's probably what's going on.

    Which command are you using to trigger the enter, and did it happen to work for you in a previous software version (if so, which one)?
