Magic Sheet Button Status

I'm creating a magic sheet with submaster buttons on it. If I select the magic sheet button to activate the sub master, I would like a way to know it's active.  I don't see anything in the editor or the manual on if that's possible.  Status doesn't do it.





Parents Reply
  • Background: I bought a Lenovo yoga 11" with touchscreen, and nanokontrol to use some faders and buttons. I don't have enough space to put channels, PSD and Magic sheet because the 11" screen size

    Fader module was the first solution. But, to minimize space, I tried to do the fader module smaller.

    If you do this you can see that the button associated disappear. So... I use the next solution:

    draw some fader modules and minimize all. Then create some sub buttons above the fader modules, like the image:


    What do you think? If its posible to do this without the fader module, I don't know how. Also, I use subs to store FX, and I dont know if is the best way to do it.

    King regards!
