move in black

doing a talent show. many of the cues will have the movers running across the judges faces after each act when they reset back to the M/C look between acts. I have never used any move in black features but this time it appears that would be necessary. I don't want to set the fixtures to any kind of auto move in black because there are lots of cues that I want them to show moving. I only want to be able to control them between each act.

I've done a search and can't really find anything specific. I was thinking of just creating cues each time that move them while intensity is out and do a follow setting so they would go from the end of the act right into black, move to M/C position then back on but I'm sure there must be an easier way.

Any help appreciated.

  • Hi Jeff,

    A quick way that I can think of off the top of my head is making an inhibitive sub for your movers. So when you run the cue that moves over the judges, pulling that inhibitive sub down will take out their intensities during its cue. When cue is complete, restore the inhibitive sub back up to full.
    Hope this helps!

  • So this is called Marking in Eos.

    Just to be clear if you have a channel at a level and moving between positions Eos/Ion won't fade them out and then move then dark you will see the live moves.

    Now thats clear a couple of solutions.

    You could use the Auto-Mark function (this is in Show setting), this will fix any channels that are fading up and have a live move. This Marks the channels in the cue before.
    If using Auto-Mark and you want the Live Move from 0% up to level, just place the channel at 1% in the cue before, this will stop the auto mark fixing the live move (I think you need to do this in Blind). So if in Q10 the channel are in a US position at 0% and in Q11 in DS position at Full. Just place the channels at 1% in Q10 (in blind) to keep the live move from US to DS.
    If you wanted to be extra special you could make a Intensity Palette with the channels at 1% and label it Mark.
    Couple of things, LED are a real pain because they can often be seen at 1%. You could try putting them at 1 DMX by using @// 1 Enter this will post DMX to the command line.
    If this is still a problem just make a curve which is 01 @ 0 and apply this to the channels in Patch.

    If you don't want to use auto mark you can use Reference Marking but cut out some of the features.
    You need Auto-Mark to be disabled for reference marking to work.

    If you have a live move you don't want. Just select the channel and say {Mark} [Enter] I think Mark is SK 6 on Ion.
    This will place a Red 'M' next to the channel, once you have the red M just update the cue. This M will now turn into a 'X' and mark the channel in the cue before and remove the live move.

    This is using a tiny bit of Reference Marking because you are not place Mark cues.

    Something else you may find helpful is to set a Mark Time in show setting.
  • Thanks Nick. I have my console set for auto mark but I'm pretty sure that isn't the issue because the fixture would be running full in cue 10 then have to move to cue 11 position while it is black then fade back up and as I understand auto mark that sets non-used (for lack of better terms) fixtures ready for the next look while not seen in the previous look.
    So cue 10 has the fixture(s) running at full intensity, red, u/s/r, gobo .... Cue 11 wants the same thing, or maybe a color or gobo change but d/s/l. Rather than seeing the fixture beam pan/tilt across the judges faces, audience, etc. I would want them to go to black when hitting cue 11 "GO" and finish in d/s/l at full. Of course timing could be a snag unless it is set to go to black in 0 time as soon as cue 11 is activated then either back up full at 0 or some other time setting when cue 11 is complete.
  • Oh so you don't want to see the move.
    You need to add another cue to make this work.
    I would make a cue 11.1 which has the channel in the new position, cue 11 is the channels fading to Black.
    Depending on fixture and how quick they take to Mark, set a Hang Time of 1 (maybe less or more) on Cue 11. They will fade out in this cue, Mark and then fade up in Q11.1 after the hang of 1.
  • Thanks Nick. That's what I have been seeing in other posts and kind of what I was expecting but didn't know if there was something else available.
  • Nick has given you the proper way to do it. But you could also just create a macro like

    Clear_CmdLine Group 5 0 [Enter]
    Out Focus_Palette 5 0 [Enter]
    Macro_Wait 0 . 5 [Enter]
    Full [Enter]

    where group 50 has all the movers in it, Focus Pallete has the reset position and then the macro puts the light off sets its position waits half a second and puts it on again. You can adjust the wait time to match the speed of your movers.

    you then just add the macro to your cue 11