Submasters, golden Outline is gone....

Have no idea what i do wrong.
Same Show like the Shows before, same Software.
I change "nothing"  (of corse some i must change...).

If i take a Channel on a Submaster, normal gets a golden Outline for the Submaster. Also the Backgroundcolor for this Submaster.
But now -2 Submaster drive up during the show via Macro- in the moment they move up, the Outline lost the Gold.
Before i have moved the Submaster, they were also golden.
Exact in the moment they move they lost the color.
And the golden Outline don`t come back, also if i move the Subs at Zero.
They looks like "grey", like No color.
Same with the Background for Pallets.
Focus Pallets Background normal Green. My looks like some has screw out the Color like old Black-White TV.

What have i done?
I start up the Console, a Gio with EOS 2.6 latest Software, normal, the Show loads normal, all works normal.
The different i know is, the Gio works now at User 1 (i use the Gio ever as BackUp) and the ETCnomad is User 2 (thats the "Maindesk").
At ETCnomad the Colors are normal.

I had the same Effect weeks ago at my other Gio but this correct by himself a few days later (i think i do also nothing for change it back).
