A notification about XP-based devices and future development.

Early in 2019, ETC anticipates the release of the first Eos® family software version that will not be compatible with the Windows XP operating system. That OS will be 18 years old and we are having increasing difficulties compiling our software application for it. This change affects Eos Classic consoles, Eos RPUs, original RVIs and older-model Ion® Classic and Element™ consoles as well as Ion Classic RPUs. ETC will continue to release library updates and provide full support for these XP-based products following the change, but no new features will be added.

Console upgrade options
Ion® Classic and Element™ desks that currently run on XP can be upgraded to Windows 7 in order to continue to receive updates. Devices that use a dual DVI splitter must be evaluated by technical services to provide an upgrade cost, as there were several generations of metal work that must be considered to perform the upgrade. Unfortunately, there is no upgrade path for Eos Classic consoles, as drivers for the internal touchscreens are not available on Windows 7.

To find out about your upgrade options or receive an official statement about the change, please contact your local dealer or distributor. If you have any questions or would like an official document detailing the upcoming change, ETC’s Customer Service staff is happy to help.

Anne Valentino

[unlocked by: Anne Valentino at 11:22 AM (GMT -5) on Fri, May 25 2018]