Has anybody had any success with advanced macros?

 I'm talking if statements, randomization, conditionals, et cetera (etc doesn't mean the same thing here :)  I have had lots of experience with java and C++ and im hoping that I can somehow imbue that into my work


  • Advanced macro programming has not been implemented.   There is a certain amount you can do by using other targets as variables but it is still very limited.  Depending on what you want to do it may be possible to use OSC to interface an external program to do some of the macro behavior you are looking form.

  • Advanced macro programming has not been implemented.   There is a certain amount you can do by using other targets as variables but it is still very limited.  Depending on what you want to do it may be possible to use OSC to interface an external program to do some of the macro behavior you are looking form.

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