ADJ mega bar split question

I have ADJ mega bars that I'm using for cyc lights. I think they can be controlled in a way that splits the bar up into smaller sections. Say 1/3 of the bar red, 1/3 blue, etc. But when I patch it into my eos digital board I can only control the entire bar. The profile is set at ch 7 (34 channels) and the bar is also set to ch 7. 

I'd love to create an effect that chases color through each of the individual section and make the cyc wall even more colorful at points in my show, but I can't figure out how to program the individual sections. I'm relatively new to lighting, so let me know any suggestions. 


  • if you go back to patch, select the channel, click type and then use the search function to look for American DJ Mega Bar 07 MC you will find another personality. you don't have to change anything on the fixture itself, it stays in 7ch mode. but Eos will now show you not only Channel 1, but also channels 1.1 thru 1.8. so each of your bars has now 8 segments and can be controlled in segments.

    let's say you have 10 mega bars (which equals 80 segments). if you say Chan 1 Thru 8 Effect 917 the effect will run for the full channels (unsegmented), but if you use Chan 1 Thru 8 . Effect 917 ( . will write CellsOnly) the effect will run on the segments.

    unfortunately there is a small problem with the library personality but can fix it yourself. you will see that the cells' intensity is by default at 0, which is wrong. you can change this behaviour by going to Patch, {Fixtures}. use the arrow keys until the fixture type is highlighted (1). now on the right hand side click the button Edit Multicell (2). then click where the (3) is so you get the check mark. then click to save the edited fixture profile (4).

    after changing the personality go back to Live and type GoToCue Out Enter. now everthing should be ready!

  • That makes so much sense! The only problem is I don't see the MC type as an option. Any ideas why I might not? 

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