Making a cue list the master list on main fader

I am sure that this is a sophomoric question but working with cue list on the ion is new for me.

How do I say load cue list 2 to the main fader. So that I can run it with the go button?

Parents Reply
  • If you are trying to put this in a macro or something like that to drive it from a magic sheet, its a little more tricky.

    The macro is actually Fader_Load Master_User Cue 16 10000

    The problem is there is actually no way of typing in that 10000 bit as if you try it puts spaces in it, you have to record the macro and edit it to tidy it up. The sequence learn 1 enter Cue 16/1 Load (on the gui keyboard) Learn will record the macro successfully and load the cue list on the master fader/go button.

    I use this heavily to have a magic sheet with buttons for each song which loads the relevant cue list to the Go button.

    If you are not trying to do macros then most of the other suggestions on this thread work
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