Schematics & Assembly Drawings


OLD console of ETC have schematics in "my ETC".

But new console don't have schematics.


I want the schematics of SmartFade,Revolution,congo etc.

Best regards,


  • It is true that only much older products have schematics, ECOs and assembly drawings posted on the website in the area in which Authorized Service Technicians have access. At that time, interestingly enough, we received comments that what was posted was not enough to repair products and did not include the large amount of LMI product in the field.

    Over the years we have found that hardware designs have become more robust and most of the time problems are found in software. That's not to say that products still don't have failures that need to be resolved. We've benefitted, though, from improved design of components, lessons learned from CE application, healthier protection to outside sources such as DMX and power and we've garnered input into the product design process from the Repairs folks.

    Since we are using more standard technologies on our products, we have to now be ever mindful of attempts to copy our designs without permission and therefore have to limit document availability. Also, in many cases, the schematics are not useful without the ECOs to accompany them. Since these all have to filtered by hand and the requests have diminished, we send drawings out to people upon request to authorized personnel.

    We think that most people need to see schematics for the parts breakdown so they don't have to spend a lot of time on email or the phone having these looked up for them. This is much like getting on a website for an appliance or audio manufacturer to get info to then order the spare parts. So we have a plan on how to meet those needs.

    We are currently putting together a commonly used parts list for most of our products so that dealers can more quickly pick out what they need. In addition, a pricing list will accompany them so you can order without calling for the part or the price.

    I hope this helps and you understand what we are trying to assist with. If you have any specific needs until then, please feel free to email me.

