(EOS) OSC Sub Info

Would love a way to be able to get the sub type (additive, inhibitive or effect) using OSC.

It could return 1 for additive, 2 for inhibitive and 3 for effects. But a simple way to get the type of sub via OSC would be amazing!

It would also be cool to get a list of anything that is mapped to the sub, so if I mapped 4 colour palletes to a sub then it would be great if it could return all of the named of the mapped colour palletes and which one you are currently on.

And finally, a way to get the label/name of a certain sub.

Updated with more ideas for info over OSC
[edited by: Joellb at 1:14 PM (GMT -5) on Sat, Mar 25 2017]
  • The Label of a sub is transmitted if you are using the /fader style of osc sub/fader/cuelist. If there is a cue list on the fader it will transmit the current and pending cue numbers. It will currently transmit the first name/number of a palette list on fader but not the others.
    I agree that having a way to get the sub mode would be great. Even if it was just included in the name/priority/other info that is already getting transmitted.
  • The Label of a sub is transmitted if you are using the /fader style of osc sub/fader/cuelist. If there is a cue list on the fader it will transmit the current and pending cue numbers. It will currently transmit the first name/number of a palette list on fader but not the others.
    I agree that having a way to get the sub mode would be great. Even if it was just included in the name/priority/other info that is already getting transmitted.
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