This what called "Darkmove" is not a Darkmove.
Please, really very deep please, overwork that and correct it.
It is a horror and not usefull.
This what called "Darkmove" is not a Darkmove.
Please, really very deep please, overwork that and correct it.
It is a horror and not usefull.
I say my wish in one of my last postings.
I try to explain it new.
Channel 1-10 are scrollers.
They play in Cue 1-10 with Lee201. Cue 11 they out.
Next time they play is from Cue 20 to 30, in Lee 106 (between L201 and L106 are 5-6-7 other Colors).
Cue 31 to 40 they out.
At Cue 41 to Cue 50 they back in with Lee201.
In a Lightrehearsal the Channels also killed in Cue 20 to 30.
So, at the end they play in Cue 1 to 10 in Lee201, next time they play from Cue 41 to Cue 50 also in Lee201
And what will happen during Cue 20 to 30 in the show?
Wright, i have a nice sound in my roof for nothing.
With one or two Scrollers not a big Problem. But if you work with 50-60..... and you have every time noise and "empty scrolling" in the roof..... not good.
Because the Console don't see they do not play and moves the Scrollers.
I know this is a "Move-Console", but sorry, it is a Software.... i can simulate on a Macintosh a Win10, i can simulate on a Windows PC an Adroid,.... so it can't be impossible to create a real Darkmove.
Similar Problems if i change MovingLights. I must check after every change, from where does the MH comes, where do he go next. If he move during fade out, i must make @ENTER Out. So i must store the changed Cue and the Cue with the Fade Out.
Double work....
A 25-30 years old Transtechnik System can handle this correct.
The Darkmove on EOS System is not a Darkmove.
I know, ican also make @ENTER. But the time i safe during programming a show i must spend later for a Clean Up.
But i have not really an idea what a LD wishes if he come the Rehearsal. And during at i must react fast and safe. So i have normaly not the time for a parallel Clean Up.
Thats bad and not usefull.
The Darkmove is not a Darkmove.
(If i wanne have some like this, i can also buy a GrandMA....)
And sorry, on a Transtechnik is a menu called 425. This clean up the empty move from Tracklist for import a show to an EOS System
This menu on the TT is only create and build for this Exportoption. So that's a sign, the EOS have Probs with Darkmove and can't really handle "Zerocounts" for Channels.
I say my wish in one of my last postings.
I try to explain it new.
Channel 1-10 are scrollers.
They play in Cue 1-10 with Lee201. Cue 11 they out.
Next time they play is from Cue 20 to 30, in Lee 106 (between L201 and L106 are 5-6-7 other Colors).
Cue 31 to 40 they out.
At Cue 41 to Cue 50 they back in with Lee201.
In a Lightrehearsal the Channels also killed in Cue 20 to 30.
So, at the end they play in Cue 1 to 10 in Lee201, next time they play from Cue 41 to Cue 50 also in Lee201
And what will happen during Cue 20 to 30 in the show?
Wright, i have a nice sound in my roof for nothing.
With one or two Scrollers not a big Problem. But if you work with 50-60..... and you have every time noise and "empty scrolling" in the roof..... not good.
Because the Console don't see they do not play and moves the Scrollers.
I know this is a "Move-Console", but sorry, it is a Software.... i can simulate on a Macintosh a Win10, i can simulate on a Windows PC an Adroid,.... so it can't be impossible to create a real Darkmove.
Similar Problems if i change MovingLights. I must check after every change, from where does the MH comes, where do he go next. If he move during fade out, i must make @ENTER Out. So i must store the changed Cue and the Cue with the Fade Out.
Double work....
A 25-30 years old Transtechnik System can handle this correct.
The Darkmove on EOS System is not a Darkmove.
I know, ican also make @ENTER. But the time i safe during programming a show i must spend later for a Clean Up.
But i have not really an idea what a LD wishes if he come the Rehearsal. And during at i must react fast and safe. So i have normaly not the time for a parallel Clean Up.
Thats bad and not usefull.
The Darkmove is not a Darkmove.
(If i wanne have some like this, i can also buy a GrandMA....)
And sorry, on a Transtechnik is a menu called 425. This clean up the empty move from Tracklist for import a show to an EOS System
This menu on the TT is only create and build for this Exportoption. So that's a sign, the EOS have Probs with Darkmove and can't really handle "Zerocounts" for Channels.
It sounds like you are looking for a cleanup utility that would remove unnecessary moves.
I get that a cleanup utility would be nice.
I haven't used any Transtechnik consoles but if they are 25 years old I doubt they handle the number of channels/complex programming that the Eos family does. It's great that they have features you like.
We all have systems for cleaning up moves and dealing with moves during programming. Some of this is helped by using palettes and presets. Some is helped by using the marking tools in the console.
I read the Darkmove section of the NTX console. It sounds interesting.
Every manufacturer spends time on different features for their different console lines.
I'm not sure what you mean that josh can't really handle "Zerocounts" for channels. What is it not doing in that respect?
In the end these are all tools. I'm just trying to understand what the features are that you are looking for.