Change Color of Direct Buttons

We would love to personalize the colors of the direct buttons, as some of the categories have some very similar colors. For example, there could be a little color picker in the menu to turn the group buttons green and the preset buttons orange.

Slight smile

  • I do like this idea, but just keep in mind the foundation of Eos is built upon everything the idea that everything is simplified and consistent so that no matter what console or show file you're in, you can be comfortable within minutes.

    In the meantime, If you're finding that the DS buttons are too similar in color, you could try changing the DS brightness under Setup > Device > Brightness Settings or making a magic sheet with custom colored buttons of your choice.

  • I do like this idea, but just keep in mind the foundation of Eos is built upon everything the idea that everything is simplified and consistent so that no matter what console or show file you're in, you can be comfortable within minutes.

    In the meantime, If you're finding that the DS buttons are too similar in color, you could try changing the DS brightness under Setup > Device > Brightness Settings or making a magic sheet with custom colored buttons of your choice.

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