Show a "-" instead of "0", when "@Enter" is pressed

When pressing "@Enter" in Live, EOS displays a "0", when the value was tracked thru at 0 in the cue before. It should be displayed as "-" to show that it is a tracked value.

Slight smile

  • A magenta 0 will display as -, all other 0 will display as 0. You're seeing a red 0. Manual values have no knowledge of previous cues because before you record those values it's unclear where within the cuelist they will live. Without a previous cue the console can't decode if the 0 will be blue, green or magenta. Or you could evenrecord the 0 in a sub and it would turn yellow.

    So no, I don't think a red 0 should show as red "-" because aamagenta "-" it's only one of four possible cases.

  • A magenta 0 will display as -, all other 0 will display as 0. You're seeing a red 0. Manual values have no knowledge of previous cues because before you record those values it's unclear where within the cuelist they will live. Without a previous cue the console can't decode if the 0 will be blue, green or magenta. Or you could evenrecord the 0 in a sub and it would turn yellow.

    So no, I don't think a red 0 should show as red "-" because aamagenta "-" it's only one of four possible cases.
