iRFR tactile buttons

I use the iRFR app quite a bit, however my go-to channel check device is still the now legacy RFR remote mostly because its got actual buttons for "next" and "last", or my favorite, the side wheel. I do channel check 8 times a week but I cannot do it efficiently if im looking at the phone screen for the button. I need to be looking up at the rig or on the floor. While I'm getting better at hitting my on screen "next" button with more accuracy, thumbs slip so I end up hitting something else and losing my streak. Or worse, if im paying attention to a device I am not paying attention to my surroundings and that's never good. I have tried some suction cup tactile buttons on the screen but thats such a hassle and its very touchy. It would be amazing to have the app while in use take over the volume buttons (I can only speak of an iPhone layout) and change those to "next" and "last". Or if that's not possible, perhaps a lighthack device of a sort that plugs in and gives me actual buttons or a wheel? Just next and last is all I really need...
