Potential for offline editors with workable framerates.

Hi there!

All I'm wondering is are there any plans to have an Eos/Ion offline editor that will only work with visualisers? As in, you take away the functionality of being able to work "real lights" in the "real world" and therefore take away the risk that people may use your offline software instead of a real desk and then we can all enjoy an offline editor which runs smoothly with WYSIWYG/Lightconverse/Capture or whatever you use and be able to program and save shows at home to then use on our real desks.

I may have confused the hell out of everyone with that paragraph but what I mean is that I just don't see the point in having visulizer connectivity with the offline editor if it's so painfully slow to use. It's practically pointless (not meaning that in an angry way) the whole point in visualization is surely to visualize your cues,effects, moves, chases etc, and with the slow output frame rate restriction you just can't get a clear idea of how things look.

The outputting or cutting off every DMX address every now and then is bareable; I don't mind it at all. It's just things like moving intelligents from A to B takes for ever and things like circle position effects look more like square position effects if you know what I mean?

I just think that if the reason for the mega slow frame rate is that it's because you could potentially use the offline software as a real desk then take away the possibility of using it as a real desk and just include the communication between visualisers.

I've seen other manufacturers offline editors that I've used work fine so I'm sure there must be a way?

Anyway, I hope there is a silver lining on the horizon and that you guys keep making great products!


