Bug---Effects Engine

My Hog4pc crashes when I choose a canned effect and try to manually edit it in the effects engine. Does not crash when I start from scratch in my effects engine. This has been consistent with both releases of software v1.

Anyone else run into this?
  • Hello, I just patched 6 Intellaspots in Hog 4 PC build 321 which is in Nano mode, and am not seeing the problem. I select the 6 fixtures and applied Effects to Intensity-Fader, Pan and TIlt-Circle, and CMY-Rainbow and recorded it as a cue and the program seems to be running as expected.

    Are you using a show from Hog 3? If yes try a new show, you may try a new show as a test anyway. If the problem continues gives us more details about the PC and key strokes you are using and maybe we can reproduce the problem.
  • Hello, I just patched 6 Intellaspots in Hog 4 PC build 321 which is in Nano mode, and am not seeing the problem. I select the 6 fixtures and applied Effects to Intensity-Fader, Pan and TIlt-Circle, and CMY-Rainbow and recorded it as a cue and the program seems to be running as expected.

    Are you using a show from Hog 3? If yes try a new show, you may try a new show as a test anyway. If the problem continues gives us more details about the PC and key strokes you are using and maybe we can reproduce the problem.
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