Next button not working on the trackball

Running 2.2 on a FB4. My next button on the trackball works intermittently. Now when it is in mouse mode it is fine. However when in position mode the next button (default trackball setting) does not work until I go back into the preferences and reselect in tracball that the button does "next" weird thing though is if I use the actual next button then it will work again.

Also I noticed a couple of time when I was selecting a fader the blue button would start flashing and then I would see a kind of barber pole pattern and the desk would become very unresponsive. Restarting solved it usually.

I have also noticed that sometime I see a cue intermittently starting to fire and then release. This can happen when I have it loaded in a fader or just in the cruelest palette.
  • I can next while in position mode only after resetting it in the preferences. The preferences will say "next" however it will not work after restarting or at random times unless I reset the settings. weird.

    Currently it is on a single H4 show file. Originalyl 2.1.2 I believe. I am in the middle of a gig and have not had the ability to check other shows.

    Another issue that seems to have me worried is now I cannot get this file to run two servers. FB4 and a PC running as a backup with wings. Now when I connect, spinning icon keeps spinning forever and in the network pane the server of the pc is locked at show load. Forever. It was working fine yesterday when I quit at midnight. I did log off and not just quit BTW. Reinstalled H4 on the PC and rebooted both machines in various orders. No change. I can run the show from the PC, but the showfile is not being copied over and the server never responds.

    I have not selected multiple masters before. Thanks
  • I can next while in position mode only after resetting it in the preferences. The preferences will say "next" however it will not work after restarting or at random times unless I reset the settings. weird.

    Currently it is on a single H4 show file. Originalyl 2.1.2 I believe. I am in the middle of a gig and have not had the ability to check other shows.

    Another issue that seems to have me worried is now I cannot get this file to run two servers. FB4 and a PC running as a backup with wings. Now when I connect, spinning icon keeps spinning forever and in the network pane the server of the pc is locked at show load. Forever. It was working fine yesterday when I quit at midnight. I did log off and not just quit BTW. Reinstalled H4 on the PC and rebooted both machines in various orders. No change. I can run the show from the PC, but the showfile is not being copied over and the server never responds.

    I have not selected multiple masters before. Thanks
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