Separating & Un-separating Parameters Using Kinds and Wheelsets Not Working

I know I can create a Kind that will separate the Position parameters (e.g. pan & tilt). However, swapping between the 2 states (separate and back together) does not seem to work for me. For example, if I select a fixture in the Programmer, press the Kind button I created to separate Positions parameters and then turn the tilt encoder the pan value remains untouched. This is what I wanted. However, if I want to join them back together for the same fixtures or some other selected fixtures pressing the default Position does not work. I even created another Kind as a copy of the default Position Kind and added it to my Kinds directory with the same result. The only was I can get it toggle back and forth between separate and non-separate is to clear the programmer and start over. What am I missing?

Kevin Montagne
  • I tried several different sequences and I am not able to get it working correctly. I am using the latest build v2.4.0 (b805). I do not know if the console platform makes a difference or not but I am using a RH4. I discovered a few other odd things during my testing too. This is my first time to use Kinds so I could be missing some step.

    Like you I launched a new show and patched 2 Studio Spot 250s. I opened the Kind window and copied the base Read Only Position Kind to position 8 in the Kind palette. It then shows up first in my Kind keys. I selected the option to Separate Parameters pressed Apply and then renamed it Separate Position. I also created another Kind by pressing Record on an empty slot in the Kind palette. I manually added Intensity, Pan & Tilt and set the option to Separate Parameters. It now became number 9 and my second Kind key. In all the steps below the pressing of the Kind Key is on the console and not from unguarded palette buttons.

    Sequence #1
    Press Position Key
    Touch Tilt (Pan gets a value of zero; works as expected)

    Sequence #2
    Left the default Position Kind selected
    Press the new "Separate Position" Kind Key
    Touch Tilt [Pan gets a 0 value; does not work as expected)

    Sequence #3
    Press the Intensity Kind key
    Press the new "Separate Position" Kind Key
    Touch Tilt (Pan does not get a value; works as expected)

    Sequence #4
    Press Position Key
    Press the Beam Key
    Touch the Gobo wheel (show Open as expected)
    Press the new "Separate Position" Kind Key
    Touch Tilt (Pan does not get a value; works as expected)

    Sequence #2 works if I select the Separate Position Kind before selecting fixtures. In sequence #3 I am able to get the Separate Position Kind working if I start with Intensity Kind instead of Position. In sequence #4 I am able to get it working right if I switch to some other Kind first (e.g. Beam) and touch a parameter. I get the same results if I use the Kind I created from scratch in place of the Separate Position Kind that was a copy of the default Position with the Separate Parameters option selected.

    Kevin Montagne
  • I tried several different sequences and I am not able to get it working correctly. I am using the latest build v2.4.0 (b805). I do not know if the console platform makes a difference or not but I am using a RH4. I discovered a few other odd things during my testing too. This is my first time to use Kinds so I could be missing some step.

    Like you I launched a new show and patched 2 Studio Spot 250s. I opened the Kind window and copied the base Read Only Position Kind to position 8 in the Kind palette. It then shows up first in my Kind keys. I selected the option to Separate Parameters pressed Apply and then renamed it Separate Position. I also created another Kind by pressing Record on an empty slot in the Kind palette. I manually added Intensity, Pan & Tilt and set the option to Separate Parameters. It now became number 9 and my second Kind key. In all the steps below the pressing of the Kind Key is on the console and not from unguarded palette buttons.

    Sequence #1
    Press Position Key
    Touch Tilt (Pan gets a value of zero; works as expected)

    Sequence #2
    Left the default Position Kind selected
    Press the new "Separate Position" Kind Key
    Touch Tilt [Pan gets a 0 value; does not work as expected)

    Sequence #3
    Press the Intensity Kind key
    Press the new "Separate Position" Kind Key
    Touch Tilt (Pan does not get a value; works as expected)

    Sequence #4
    Press Position Key
    Press the Beam Key
    Touch the Gobo wheel (show Open as expected)
    Press the new "Separate Position" Kind Key
    Touch Tilt (Pan does not get a value; works as expected)

    Sequence #2 works if I select the Separate Position Kind before selecting fixtures. In sequence #3 I am able to get the Separate Position Kind working if I start with Intensity Kind instead of Position. In sequence #4 I am able to get it working right if I switch to some other Kind first (e.g. Beam) and touch a parameter. I get the same results if I use the Kind I created from scratch in place of the Separate Position Kind that was a copy of the default Position with the Separate Parameters option selected.

    Kevin Montagne
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