IPCB Color Fades?

Don`t know if this was mentioned before. Had a show running this weekend and observed this behavior several times before.
I was using a fullboar4 with the actual v2.7.0.

1.patch some rgb fixtures
2. store your master cue list with your desired look (rgb is set to amber)
3.set your master cue list to persist on overwrite
4. run that list
5. store another list on a master with rgbs in blue color and set that master to IPCB
6.while your master list is running slide the IPCB fader to full (rgbs to blue)

you see a nice fade from amber to blue

7.now move the IPCB fader back to 0 an you will see the rgbs going though several colors until they reach amber again
8.now move the IPCB fader again up but not to its full but lets say 95% of its way
9.then slide the IPCB back to 0

Then you see -also when decreasing the fader- a nice fade from blue to amber as expected.

Honestly...i have to say that this behavior (going through colors) is not looking that professional.

Am i doing something wrong? Or whats the deal with it?

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