Hello everyone!
Here's the problem:
Let's say that operator wants to end a song with a blinder flash which kills all the other lights on the stage -> flash with solo function. During this ending flash he takes all the intensity masters to zero so that there's black out after releasing the solo flash button. Last summer I got involved in a situation like this where the Black Out was desired look after the last hit of the song but it seemed that there's some sort of bug with this. My colleague said that he had had same problem some time ago and there was no solution. He had even called the support.
E.g. Moving head intensities on PB's 1 and 2. Blinder flash with solo on one of the command keys. PB's 1 + 2 @ 100% then I press the command key -> Blinders activate, Moving heads are killed. I hold the command key as long as needed and during this time reduce PB's 1 and 2 to zero (blue bar with red dot appears on the screen on those specific playbacks). Physically PB's are now at 0. I release the command key -> Blinders fade out but Moving Head intensities return active on stage...even though they should not.
So is this a bug or is there still some option/setting I have missed? With other desks I have not had this kind of problem. Let's solve this, thank you!