Show merge/close issue

Hey Guys,

So I'm having a very strange server issue running hog 4 pc latest version.
I can't shut down my main show file or merge it into a new show. Opens, operates and backs up fine, but will not shut down or merge into a new show.

I tried starting a new show and merging it, gets to replacing or amending cuelists, wigs out and the progress window simply disappears.

Pop up with "network error, wait or cancel" shows up, regardless of what I choose, nothing else happens.

If I cancel, later another pop up saying it could not be cancelled, merge window says finished, but literally nothing is imported into the new show.

If I open the original show file, no problem, backs itself up no problem, but if I close to quit or log off, same thing happens, progress bar gets about 50% then crashes and disappears without closing the show or program. Repaired my h4pc install, issue still there...

Anyone have any ideas?
  • Sorry for the delay on updating this, but it's become necessary again.

    To answer the question, Yes and no.
    Backups open and can be used fine, but the same thing happens when i try to shut down them down.

    Eventually I got Sick of this issue so I started a totally fresh show file on a second pc, fresh patch, etc then manually recreated a lot of my timecoded cuelists, everything was working great, no issues for about 3 months with that show file, But the issue has now just started happening again in this new show file.

    I figure it's a corruption in a cuelist or maybe a pallette somewhere, but I can't find or fix it. I even tried deleting ALL the cuelists in the file once to see if it would shut down empty, got the same glitchout even with no cuelists in the show at all.

    The first show file this happened with, now will not let me open or change anything within it anymore but it still works, all timecoded lists work perfectly, even works with a vizualiser, however if i try to open any cue in any cuelist it a box pops up saying something about an not opening due to an error in the cuelist array?

    One other thing I noticed about the old show file is that even with ALL fixtures unpatched, I cannot remove ANY fixtures from the show, however i can repatch anything anywhere and it works.

    It's the weirdest thing.

    I thought it might be because there are too many cuelists with too many cues and all cues in them have parameters for the majority of fixtures in the show in every cue as all cues are "cue only" but I honestly have no idea. I tried the rebuilding database from the debug menu, seems to works fine, still won't shutdown afterwards.

    Any ideas?
  • Sorry for the delay on updating this, but it's become necessary again.

    To answer the question, Yes and no.
    Backups open and can be used fine, but the same thing happens when i try to shut down them down.

    Eventually I got Sick of this issue so I started a totally fresh show file on a second pc, fresh patch, etc then manually recreated a lot of my timecoded cuelists, everything was working great, no issues for about 3 months with that show file, But the issue has now just started happening again in this new show file.

    I figure it's a corruption in a cuelist or maybe a pallette somewhere, but I can't find or fix it. I even tried deleting ALL the cuelists in the file once to see if it would shut down empty, got the same glitchout even with no cuelists in the show at all.

    The first show file this happened with, now will not let me open or change anything within it anymore but it still works, all timecoded lists work perfectly, even works with a vizualiser, however if i try to open any cue in any cuelist it a box pops up saying something about an not opening due to an error in the cuelist array?

    One other thing I noticed about the old show file is that even with ALL fixtures unpatched, I cannot remove ANY fixtures from the show, however i can repatch anything anywhere and it works.

    It's the weirdest thing.

    I thought it might be because there are too many cuelists with too many cues and all cues in them have parameters for the majority of fixtures in the show in every cue as all cues are "cue only" but I honestly have no idea. I tried the rebuilding database from the debug menu, seems to works fine, still won't shutdown afterwards.

    Any ideas?
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