Hog4PC users setting passwords and permissions

I am pretty new to Hog (9 Months) and I apologize if I missed this in the manual, but I have Hog4PC and a hoglet running in a club environment. I have 1 other primary operator and 2 performers that operate my show on the nights I don't work, and I am the only one who has any programming knowledge at all. Is it possible to set user permissions on a show file and password protect the user accounts? I have backups on and off site, but users or other staff occasionally need to get a scene called up, but several times in the last month someone has deleted massive portions of my show (i.e. possitions, colors, effects etc.) when I am at another location, and also deleted my on system backups. Obviously I have bigger staff issues, but I need to be able to lock the show down to operation only for all other users but myself, so that I am not spending valuable time getting the show restored and doing phone support. Is this possible? Please help!!
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