HOG 4 Roadhog Sticking Buttons

Hi All, has anyone had experience with buttons sticking down ie Release Buttons, Cue List go buttons etc, this is starting to appear all over one of our Roadhog consoles ..I have had a look and cant see how you can safely pop the plastic cap off the ( I dont want to break anything, is there a way to clean them , replace them, would like some advice before I dive in and remove the front panel board , I guess I just need to know is there a solution thanks in advance
  • It is best to use a key puller tool. They are relatively cheap and easy to find.
    Regarding cleaning them it depends on what is in there. If there is physical matter, like dirt, dust, or crumbs a simple toothbrush and Q-tips should be enough to break it away. Compressed air is okay, but it's best to use low pressure from an air compressor. Canned air has a pretty high PSI, and also tends to spray liquid, so its best to avoid them on components when you can.
    If the keys are sticking due to something sticky, like spilled soda, it is best to use rubbing alcohol and a microfiber cloth.
  • It is best to use a key puller tool. They are relatively cheap and easy to find.
    Regarding cleaning them it depends on what is in there. If there is physical matter, like dirt, dust, or crumbs a simple toothbrush and Q-tips should be enough to break it away. Compressed air is okay, but it's best to use low pressure from an air compressor. Canned air has a pretty high PSI, and also tends to spray liquid, so its best to avoid them on components when you can.
    If the keys are sticking due to something sticky, like spilled soda, it is best to use rubbing alcohol and a microfiber cloth.
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