Clear programmer not clearing programmer.

Had a issue today. After hitting clear programmer, fixtures remained in the programmer window, despite some restoring to correct settings.

Tried closing all windows, reset client console. Only fix was to restart rack hog.

Current setup. Rack hog, and additional dp8k running through VLANS splititng out to Sacn and hog net. Running with consoles connecting as client. Had the issue on the client console.
  • Hello, are you sure you did not have anything in playback on any other client controlling the lights or on the one you were using? If you experience this again open the Output window and choose Sources, this will tell you where the values are coming from and you can see if any are coming from the programmer or if they're being controlled by something else. Also hold down pig open backspace and see if any processes are crashed.
  • Hello, are you sure you did not have anything in playback on any other client controlling the lights or on the one you were using? If you experience this again open the Output window and choose Sources, this will tell you where the values are coming from and you can see if any are coming from the programmer or if they're being controlled by something else. Also hold down pig open backspace and see if any processes are crashed.
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