Storing Views Independently on Road Hog and Nano Hog working as Tracking Desks

I store my palette views as multiple pages, accessed by storing different scroll positions within each window, as different views. This works fine on one desk but I am now using a Road Hog and a Nano Hog tracking each other. The views seem to be stored commonly on both consoles rather than independently, with the result that the views recalled on the Nano Hog are not in the correct scroll position because of the different screen sizes, resolution and layout etc. Is there a way to stiore the views independently on each desk? Alternatively there would need to be a way to store a particukar palette number at the top of the window rather than the scroll position. That would need to be a feature request presumeably. Or is there a way around this issue?

Thank you in advance.

  • Hello,

    Views are show wide. If you want to recall different views per console you can use comment macros like RV1h1 which recalls view 1 on "Hog 1" (Console 1) so you could record Road Hog Views and Nano Hog views and then recall them that way if your Net Numbers are different. I am unaware of a work around if you're tracking since the console has the same net number.

    To ensure any feature requests you want get logged please comment in the Requests Forum, and that way people will be able to vote on it as well.

  • Hello,

    Views are show wide. If you want to recall different views per console you can use comment macros like RV1h1 which recalls view 1 on "Hog 1" (Console 1) so you could record Road Hog Views and Nano Hog views and then recall them that way if your Net Numbers are different. I am unaware of a work around if you're tracking since the console has the same net number.

    To ensure any feature requests you want get logged please comment in the Requests Forum, and that way people will be able to vote on it as well.
