Global Desk "Beat Tap Rate"

The current Beat Tap functionality on the H4 is a great feature, but how about taking it a few steps further? Currently we can only use Beat Tap on a chase and unfortunately, cannot apply that defined rate to the FX engine or Cue FX rate..

I was thinking of how useful a "Global Beat Tap" rate would be... Lemme explain my complete idea.

Somewhere on the desk give the user the ability to tap out a beat. This rate is then stored in the console as a "Global Beat Tap Rate" that can be linearly adjusted via an encoder, master rate wheel or re tapping out another rate. Then in each of the options settings in the Masters, Cues Or Scenes, give us a drop down to be able to select either, "Local Rate" (The rate defined only within that cue, master, or scene) or "Global Rate" (The global rate defined by the global beat tap or encoder wheels). Then also give us the ability after defining a rate source, to define a multiple of that rate, (like, 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x or even 0.5x, 0.25x etc) and also give us the option to offset that rate to apply it to a downbeat or upbeat. In addition and probably the most important feature of this request, is the ability to take the "Global Rate" and apply it to the FX within a cue, master or scene, not just a chase.

This feature set will give the programmer the ability to very quickly sync up a tempo and then quickly apply it anywhere in the desk at any multiple and any offset.

Please consider as this would be an amazing feature...

  • Yep. I agree with this 2000%

    GrandMA has this feature which makes it amazing. You could go one step further

    There is a number of speed groups that you can assign to effects or chasers then assign the speed group to faders to control the rate, or assign it to a button to tap sync it.

    That way you could have movement on every 2nd beat and intensity or colour effects on each beat.

    Its a great feature and would definitely improve the hog range.
  • Yep. I agree with this 2000%

    GrandMA has this feature which makes it amazing. You could go one step further

    There is a number of speed groups that you can assign to effects or chasers then assign the speed group to faders to control the rate, or assign it to a button to tap sync it.

    That way you could have movement on every 2nd beat and intensity or colour effects on each beat.

    Its a great feature and would definitely improve the hog range.
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