Express 250 - LOW ON MEMORY

Hey everyone,

I'm programming a smallish show on an Express 250, using 100 channels; all conventionals. I've recorded 50 or 20 cues and I'm getting a warning when I record that says "Memory Left - 36%". 

Anyone ever encounter that before? Got a fix?


Thanks and cheers,


  • Hello,


    If you go to Stage on your console, then press [About] [Enter], it should pop up the "About :  Show" screen, which shows how memory is being used in your show.  You may want to check your Settings.  You can reduce the amount of System memory being used by lowering "Number of Dimmers" and "Number of Channels" down to what you're actually using.  You can also reduce the "Number of Effect Step Channels" down to what you're actually using.

    Hope that helps,

    Matt Pumplin

  • Hello,


    If you go to Stage on your console, then press [About] [Enter], it should pop up the "About :  Show" screen, which shows how memory is being used in your show.  You may want to check your Settings.  You can reduce the amount of System memory being used by lowering "Number of Dimmers" and "Number of Channels" down to what you're actually using.  You can also reduce the "Number of Effect Step Channels" down to what you're actually using.

    Hope that helps,

    Matt Pumplin
