Emphasis conversion to Express?

I've come across what first appeared to be an unused Express 125 in a store room at work.  Upon further investigation, it's the board component for the old Emphasis System (replaced 5 years ago).  

What I'm curious about is if there is a way to re-configure this board back to an Express 125 (I'm thinking just installling the software from disk)?

Has anybody done/tried this?  Is there a Hardware change that needs to happen?


Eric Stehl

University of Oklahoma- University Theatre

Norman, OK.

  • Pretty easy.  

    You will need a formatted 3.5" floppy disk and a 3.5 disk drive (USB version works).

    Go to the ETC site here:


    Download to your computer, the Express Console Software version 3.1.1

    It's a WinZip file, so unzip to get the E2.bin file.  Save that on the 3.5" disk.

    Insert into the console floppy drive (on right side of the back "brick" unit.  

    Boot console.  The console will boot to the floppy and install the original console software. 


    [edited by: Steve Bailey at 5:47 PM (GMT -6) on Fri, Jun 14 2013]
  • Pretty easy.  

    You will need a formatted 3.5" floppy disk and a 3.5 disk drive (USB version works).

    Go to the ETC site here:


    Download to your computer, the Express Console Software version 3.1.1

    It's a WinZip file, so unzip to get the E2.bin file.  Save that on the 3.5" disk.

    Insert into the console floppy drive (on right side of the back "brick" unit.  

    Boot console.  The console will boot to the floppy and install the original console software. 


    [edited by: Steve Bailey at 5:47 PM (GMT -6) on Fri, Jun 14 2013]
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