Impression software update

Hello all

sorry if I am posting this in the wrong place, it's my first time on this forum.

i have just picked up a impressing lighting desk that is running v1.51 and I just want to know can I update the software on this board at all?  I can burn my own EPROMS if that is needed.  Any help would be good.  


Thanks guys



  • Hi Tye,

    The short answer is yes there are software upgrades but for all the associated cost you would be better off finding a used Impression 2x or 3.

    If you had software v 1.6 or higher then you could order a version 2.0 upgrade kit that is 11 EPROMS, some key-top labels and a user manual.

    But with version 1.51 or lower, you would need to send the desk to ETC to have work done to get it to version 1.6. I'm not sure what was needed for this but I think it required component level rework to the main board.


