ETC Express 48/96 DMX Universe 2

I am wondering how the second universe of the express works. Usually the DMX values of U1 are 001-512 and U2 as 513-1024. It looks like in the setup page (option 2) you can change the starting dimmer # for the universes. Does this mean DMX Value? I am wondering if I can run Intelligent fixtures that only go up to 512 on the second universe by putting the U2 number at say 300. Is there anything else I have to do with patching ir setup, or will this even work at all?
  • I will not go into a long mail on DMX universes or patching but just give you the basics of your question.

    U2 output 513-1024 will drive moving lights addressed at 1-512.

    513 = 1; 514 = 2; 515 = 3

    Even if you have 6 DMX outputs (6 universes) on the back of a board, the actual values moving down the line are always 1-512.

    So you will keep U2 at 513-1024

    You will 'Patch' 513-1024 to whatever 'channels' you want to use on the board

    You will set your 1st intelligent fixtures at DMX address to 1 (often 001)

    If your intelligent fixture has 9 total channels, then you set the address of your 2nd fixture to 10 (which would be U2 value 522)

    Feel free to shoot me an email at with your number and I'd be happy to give you a little more detail or walk you though this.
