Ipad control of Express 24/48

I noticed my Express 24/48 has an ethernet plug and I am using the CEM+ dimmers which also has an ethernet plug.  If I were link the Express 24/48 with the a wireless system - Would it be controllable using the new Apple Ipod App. - Luminair?

  • Unfortunately, No.

    The Ethernet jack on the Express was for connection to assorted ETC Net1 devices only.  This was long before the iPad/Pod/Phone and the Express software was never designed for that kind of functionality.  



  • Thanks,


    Which lighting system of ETC is the least expensive with Ipad options?


  • Of the current lines, Both Congo/Cobalt and Eos family systems will work with an IOS devices remotely.  In an eos Family the element would be the least expensive, or a Congo Kid in the Congo family. 

    The Kid will also run Cobalt Software. Just depends on your programming style/ Location which line would be best for you. That would be a great question for your local dealers to discuss with you.

  • Just to clarify Greg's response a little: the console options he mentioned use our dedicated iRFR (or aRFR for Android) app on a tablet/smartphone/whatever as a remote control. They won't have any particular interaction with the Luminair software. That software appears to be a standalone application one would use instead of a traditional console. It outputs sACN data directly, and that could be converted to DMX using one of our Gateways (though I wouldn't generally recommend sending sACN over WiFi due to the potential for latency issues).

    Alternately, if you don't have the budget for a new console right now and just want the ability to remotely control the one you have, there is a way to make that happen.  I've played around with using a generic app that sends serial commands over the network to a device that converts those to RS422 and connects to the wired RFU port on Express/ion family consoles.  Let me know if you want more details on how to make that work.

  • You could always pickup a cheap Emphasis server....and then remote-desktop into the server.  Works like a charm.

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