Rosco I-Cue Personalities

Does anyone know where I can get my hands on a personality for the Rosco i-Cue? I am running the i-Cue on an ETC Express 24/48. Also, when running effects on an express, how do I assign an effect to a cue and how do I tell the effect to stop once I hit "GO" 


Jason Fok

  • I'm not sure where you can get the personality, but: The personality builder is pretty straightforward, as long as you have access to a PC and a floppy drive (the USB ones are still around, if you don't have one in a machine already - and the offline software is a free download - also very handy for getting hardcopies of show levels). The I-Cue is a very straightforward fixture, too, having only two or four channels, depending on whether it's set as 8-bit or 16...

    I usually built the effect in a submaster, and put a hold on the dwell time for that sub; that way, the bump button toggles the effect on/off. If you want the effect to fade in and/or out, record that in the sub's fade up and down times. A macro to press the bump button can then be recorded, and put in the Link column to trigger the effect.

    Things can get a little odd if you have follow times in your cues, so you may need to have point cues just for the macros to trigger properly. Just from memory, it seems to me a cue with a follow time wouldn't trigger a macro. Your mileage may vary.


    Edit: You can get the I-Cue personality here:

    The personality editor, and everything else for this console, is also available here:

    [edited by: JHarpur at 11:25 PM (GMT -6) on Wed, Jan 15 2014] Adds links.
  • Thanks, J. I appreciate the quick response :) I unfortunately don't have a PC since I am running a MAC so I don't have access to the editor. Would I just have to assign parameters to individual channels? I assume scrollers work the same way?

    Jason Fok


    [edited by: jasonfok at 11:33 PM (GMT -6) on Wed, Jan 15 2014]
  • Yes - and that might be the easiest and fastest way to deal with I-Cues anyway, as they're simple enough. If you're using them in 4-channel (16-bit) mode, you might want to link the two channels (Press [setup][11] - "Channel attributes"  - and scroll to the channels you want, arrow over to the 16b column, and press 1 - this should label the first selected channel Hi and the next one Lo, for coarse and fine 16-bit data. Again, this is from memory, and I was dropped a lot as a baby) to make them 16-bit. Otherwise, they'll behave as normal.Or just use the first (coarse) channel.

    Alternately, if you have the channel-space on your console, you can patch the 16-bit I-Cue as an I-Beam fixture profile (It's profile 2 in the default list) - just make sure you have nothing patched in the 6 subsequent addresses. Doing this should let you use the console touchpad as X/Y pan/tilt on the I-Cues, which is nice, when the fixture is selected.

    Yes, scrollers would work exactly the same way - it's just another parameter.


  • hmmmmm interesting. I have a friend who just asked a similar question. She's using Chavet Colorado quad tours on a Smartfade ML. I can't imagine for something like that you would need personalities. Just address the fixture and patch the address/ dimmer to a channel. So for example Channel 1-4 would be RGBW for the first fixture and so on...


  • Yeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssss............ sort of.

    The Smartfade ML actually has a lot more profiles built in (I'd have to look to see if the Colorado Quads are in there, but I'd be surprised if they weren't - I think there's a couple thousand profiles, all told, on the last release) and has a lot more bells and whistles for multiparameter fixtures than the Express consoles do - like colour palettes as one example. You CAN run them as straight channels, but that console does so much more with them it doesn't make a lot of sense to run them that way. Plus, they're probably built in. The SFML is a lot more fun to use with intelligent fixtures than the Express.

    Also, quite a few of the LED fixtures have other channels for effects, macros, intensity, variable colour temperature, and other stuff like wide/narrow flood - so mashing them up back to back using 4 channels (without also setting them to a 4-channel mode) might cause unexpected behaviours. ("I just ran lamp 2 up in red, but now lamp 1 has started strobing.")


  • WOW! and the fact you don't even need a damn screen to run the Smartfade! love it. Thanks for this. 

    Yes, I would imagine in that unexpected behavior case the addresses and channels are overlapping. 

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