Expression 3 with Emphasis and Wysiwyg


I'd like to conect an Expression 3 / emphasis with a Wysiwyg R31, I'm not shure if that's possible.

I tried to connect from the ETCNet Out of the console to the computer with Wysiwyg using an Ethernet Switch and it's not working.

May it be an IP adress issue? Which range of IP should I use?

Or there's another way to do it?



Pau Fullana

  • Not sure what gear you have for all this.

    The typical Emphasis configuration was an ETC Emphasis server/PC, with a "facepanel" that was any of the InsightI, Expression and /Express consoles ( I think only II/III Insight and Expression were Emphasis capable) connected to the Emphasis server via the console Cat 5 jack/and cable.  You then loaded Emphasis software onto the console so that the server would take over the console (thus the facepanel nomenclature).

    The Emphasis server then had installed a version of WYSIWYG and I believe the last version of WYG supported was 17.

    You could also do this in an off-line environment on a Windows PC, but you needed 2 dongles (if memory serves), one for Emphasis, another a license dongle from WYSIWYG.  

    Emphasis worked in a Net2 environment, via a hub that the server (and facepanel) could connect to,  thus to generate DMX to send anywhere, you needed a Net 2 node of some flavor on the network and outputting DMX.

    Is that what you are trying to do ?.


    [edited by: Steve Bailey at 12:51 PM (GMT -6) on Fri, Mar 7 2014]
  • Not sure what gear you have for all this.

    The typical Emphasis configuration was an ETC Emphasis server/PC, with a "facepanel" that was any of the InsightI, Expression and /Express consoles ( I think only II/III Insight and Expression were Emphasis capable) connected to the Emphasis server via the console Cat 5 jack/and cable.  You then loaded Emphasis software onto the console so that the server would take over the console (thus the facepanel nomenclature).

    The Emphasis server then had installed a version of WYSIWYG and I believe the last version of WYG supported was 17.

    You could also do this in an off-line environment on a Windows PC, but you needed 2 dongles (if memory serves), one for Emphasis, another a license dongle from WYSIWYG.  

    Emphasis worked in a Net2 environment, via a hub that the server (and facepanel) could connect to,  thus to generate DMX to send anywhere, you needed a Net 2 node of some flavor on the network and outputting DMX.

    Is that what you are trying to do ?.


    [edited by: Steve Bailey at 12:51 PM (GMT -6) on Fri, Mar 7 2014]
  • I don't have the Emphasys Server. I just have the Expression III with Emphasis capable and one PC with the Wysiwyg R31 Software installed.


    Pau Fullana

  • Ok, that explains the difficulty.

    Expression III only supports ETCNet1 and hard-line DMX, and I'm pretty sure that Wysiwyg only supports the newer ETCNet2.
    You'll need to use an appropriate DMX interface, either USB or DMX>Ethernet connected to the DMX port(s) of the console.

    Your console will also need to be running Expression console software on the console.
    - When running Emphasis the console is 'just' a facepanel, so requires an Emphasis server before it can control anything.

    If your console isn't running the Expression 3.1.1 console software already, it can be downloaded from this Expression III downloads page.
    To install it, put the content of the ZIP onto a floppy disk and then boot the console with the disk in the drive. Be sure to remove the disk afterwards!

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the explanation. Now it looks very clear. Certainly the Wysiwyg only supports ETCNet2 protocol, so I won't be able to connect the console with the visualizer directly. I'll look for another solution.



    Pau Fullana
