Stopping a Macro with a Cue

Hello amazing internet people,

I'm designing a show on an Express 48/96 that has a scene that necessitated three consecutive cues that each link to macros. Those macros use a series of Bumps and On/OffBumps referencing submasters, and Mwaits to create strobing effects on three COLORado 1-Tri Tour LED wash fixtures. These are set up as a conventional (non-personality) patch, with these control channels:

1st - Intensity
2nd - R
3rd - G
4th - B
5th - Strobe 

We are triggering using MIDI from QLab 1.

The SM watches the [M*] key to wait for the macro to finish before taking the next cue. Unfortunately, the scene runs fast sometimes, and even after the SM takes the following cue, sometimes the macros we built keep running. 

In the very next cue after this effect-heavy sequence, these same LEDs provide a color wash mixing all three channels.

I could set up an inhibitive sub for the SM to take out in this situation, that she slowly fades up on the next scene once the macros finish, but I'd rather just have that cue interrupt all running macros, so the SM doesn't have to remember this one more thing. She's operating sound cues including mixing, lights, and extensive projections, and anything I can do to simplify would help.

I can't reprogram these cues as effects cues, they're perfectly timed up with sound cues and difficult to replicate.

Is this a possibility? Is there any way to stop a Macro without an inhibitive submaster?

Thanks for any help - we open this Wednesday so any tips would be great. Even if they come too late, I'd love to know this for the future.

