VL3500 Personality?

Hi all,

Searched but didn't find: I've got a friend whose upcoming show involves a dozen VL3500 Spot luminaires on an Obsession II (750-channel, sadly, but that's a separate challenge). Does anyone happen to have a personality file for these fixtures built & tested already? We can and have put together our own in the past, and of course we'll do so if we need to, but if someone has one to share we'd greatly appreciate it.



Anne S

  • Anne, to be honest I don't have time to look up the VL3500S personality, so I don't know if this will be much help.  But I'm posting a VL2000W and a VL2500 spot personality in the hope it will speed up your personality editing for the incoming show.

    Unbelievably (webmaster, are you reading this?), this board software won't allow me to post a file with an extension of .per!  So I have Zipped them.  I hope you are able to unzip them, perhaps with a recent version of Windows.  I can't tell from the preview that the message has two attachments.  I will look at my reply and if they are not both there, I'll post a second reply.

  • Anne, to be honest I don't have time to look up the VL3500S personality, so I don't know if this will be much help.  But I'm posting a VL2000W and a VL2500 spot personality in the hope it will speed up your personality editing for the incoming show.

    Unbelievably (webmaster, are you reading this?), this board software won't allow me to post a file with an extension of .per!  So I have Zipped them.  I hope you are able to unzip them, perhaps with a recent version of Windows.  I can't tell from the preview that the message has two attachments.  I will look at my reply and if they are not both there, I'll post a second reply.

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