Upgrading Insight 2

Hi all,


I do lights at my school. We've got two Insight 2 consoles that we've had for a while, 108 channels. I'm not sure about the software version at the moment, but I can check tomorrow. What I'm wondering is if it's possible to update or upgrade the Insight 2 to be able to deal with moving lights? Or, if it's possible to do a 'trade in' to go from an Insight 2 to a 3?


I'm not sure if we're going to do this, but I'd like to research the options.



Andrew MacKie-Mason

Pioneer High School

  • Smells like prime territory for an Emphasis upgrade

    -- you don't need the full blown WYSIWYG 3D upgrade, but the processor will allow a serious upgrade in channel count and some perks of ML functionality like Move-Before-Bright ("dark-move" or "mark" for the rest of the planet) and the Dynamic Effects palette definitely does not suck.  (but having an encoder wing would help)  I'm spoiled on our expression3/emphasis system, I just used an "Emphasized Express 48/96" on a show and was feeling a little limited without my 5x5 encoders, but it still worked pretty darned well with just the trackpad and arrows.  I have no experience with the Insight Emphasis facepanel

    ...of course you could just e-bay the 2 insights and add the cash to the "buy-me-an-Ion" budget.  :)


    What you really have to look at is:

    1. How many moving lights and of what flavor you will be dealing with? (do you want to run 2 Rosco I-cues or are we renting in a dozen VL3000's?)

    2. How will you be using said moving lights?  ( are we painting or is it flash-n-trash?)

    3. What are you able to spend for said upgrade?


    This is definitely territory for a sit-down with your local ETC rep.

  • Smells like prime territory for an Emphasis upgrade

    -- you don't need the full blown WYSIWYG 3D upgrade, but the processor will allow a serious upgrade in channel count and some perks of ML functionality like Move-Before-Bright ("dark-move" or "mark" for the rest of the planet) and the Dynamic Effects palette definitely does not suck.  (but having an encoder wing would help)  I'm spoiled on our expression3/emphasis system, I just used an "Emphasized Express 48/96" on a show and was feeling a little limited without my 5x5 encoders, but it still worked pretty darned well with just the trackpad and arrows.  I have no experience with the Insight Emphasis facepanel

    ...of course you could just e-bay the 2 insights and add the cash to the "buy-me-an-Ion" budget.  :)


    What you really have to look at is:

    1. How many moving lights and of what flavor you will be dealing with? (do you want to run 2 Rosco I-cues or are we renting in a dozen VL3000's?)

    2. How will you be using said moving lights?  ( are we painting or is it flash-n-trash?)

    3. What are you able to spend for said upgrade?


    This is definitely territory for a sit-down with your local ETC rep.

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