Upgrading Insight 2

Hi all,


I do lights at my school. We've got two Insight 2 consoles that we've had for a while, 108 channels. I'm not sure about the software version at the moment, but I can check tomorrow. What I'm wondering is if it's possible to update or upgrade the Insight 2 to be able to deal with moving lights? Or, if it's possible to do a 'trade in' to go from an Insight 2 to a 3?


I'm not sure if we're going to do this, but I'd like to research the options.



Andrew MacKie-Mason

Pioneer High School

  • I could be wrong, but the Insight III, and I assume the II as well, had 500 or so CHANNELS with 108 SUBMASTERS.  Don't confuse the two.

    Upgrading to Emphasis is an option, but check as to the value.  The base model Emphasis is 500 channels w/2d visualization (at around $5,000), thus no advantage in channel counts - which you may or may not need in any event, depending on how many ML's, scrollers, and static channels you intend to use.  Going to 1000 channels on Emphasis starts to put you into the price range of a basic Ion - just one without any subs/playback faders.  With Ion you'd get MUCH better ML control then what's available in Emphasis.   With Insight II you would also want to add the plug-in encoder panel, which is no longer made and would be difficult to locate used. 

    If it were my money, I'd be looking at an Ion.

    Steve B. 



  • The Insight 2 has 108 channels and submasters, no ability to increase bast 108 channels (I've tried :))

    Is the Emphasis upgrade just an addon to the board, or is it an entirely new board?


    Ebaying the existing boards might be an option, but we would run into problems with getting the district to agree--too much bureaucracy,  they belong to the district, not the theatre program.


    How much are the Ions? I couldn't find a price with a quick search. I can check more later though, I've gotta run.


    Thanks for the help,


  • The Insight 2 has 108 channels and submasters, no ability to increase bast 108 channels (I've tried :))

    Is the Emphasis upgrade just an addon to the board, or is it an entirely new board?


    Ebaying the existing boards might be an option, but we would run into problems with getting the district to agree--too much bureaucracy,  they belong to the district, not the theatre program.


    How much are the Ions? I couldn't find a price with a quick search. I can check more later though, I've gotta run.


    Thanks for the help,


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