Using focus point in cue expression 3

I would setup a focus point with the pan and tilt of a moving fixture.

Then I would like to get a cue to use the pan and tilt information from the focus point. Several cues need the pan and tilt and this would keep  from changing all the cues when the area to be lit moves.

Read manual but I just don't quite get it.



  • Think of a Focus Point as a Group for pan, tilt, color, etc. parameters. When building cues you can "recall" (to use terminology from the Eos software) settings from a Focus Point for specific channels. For example, manually focus all of your movers downstage left and Record Focus Point 1 Enter. Then manually focus al of your movers downstage right and Record Focus Point 2 Enter. When building cues, you can select one individual mover, let's say it's fixture 1, and type Fixture 1 Focus Point 1 Enter, then select another mover, fixture 2, and type Fixture 2 Focus Point 2 Enter.
  • Think of a Focus Point as a Group for pan, tilt, color, etc. parameters. When building cues you can "recall" (to use terminology from the Eos software) settings from a Focus Point for specific channels. For example, manually focus all of your movers downstage left and Record Focus Point 1 Enter. Then manually focus al of your movers downstage right and Record Focus Point 2 Enter. When building cues, you can select one individual mover, let's say it's fixture 1, and type Fixture 1 Focus Point 1 Enter, then select another mover, fixture 2, and type Fixture 2 Focus Point 2 Enter.
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