windows 8.1 and etc express

Hi all

 I have bought a new PC laptop running win 8.1. I am setting this machine aside for OLE & lighting software across a variety of manufacturers. I am currently trying to install the Etc Express/Expression OLE to no avail. I am unsure if this is supported under 8.1 and the fact that it is 64 bit etc

I would be grateful if any one could advise and point me in the right direction?

many thanks


  • I just installed it with no issues on Windows 8.1 64-bit accepting all the defaults. Are you trying to install to a directory with spaces in the path name, because that will probably not work.
  • Hi I tried the tip and no avail. It keeps telling me that the software is not supported through 64 bit... I also googled the error I have been getting... Seems I already have a virus (win 216) and this is symptomatic of it..... Only opened for two days, installed AVG (!), being good and now a virus....shakes head.... cheers Will clean PC and let you know. thanks eamon
  • It will not work under 64 bit Windows as Express(ion) Offline is a 16 bit application.

    This is fundamental to 64 bit Windows. (XP, 7 and 8).

    The only way to run it is to use a virtual machine. I believe that some editions of Windows can have a 32bit XP virtual machine installed, though I have never tried this myself:

    I suspect that sk8trs_dad has one of those editions and has installed these already.

    If you don't have one of those editions you will need to roll your own, perhaps using Virtual Box or similar.

    PS: If searching for an error message implies you have a virus, it is probably a lie. If it offers to fix it, it is definitely a lie and you should immediately close the browser, then do a full AVG scan and a Malwarebytes scan to be sure.

  • I have a machine running Win7 Pro 64bit. I run a 32bit XP virtual machine on it, and can run EOL, and a number of other legacy applications, this way.
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