Level colors in stage display

Today I introduced the Express board to my intro to lighting class.  I showed them how channel levels in the blind display are color coded depending on whether the channel is getting brighter, getting dimmer, tracking, blocked, etc.  A student asked why in the stage display channel levels are all green, whether they're going up or down.  I didn't have a good answer.  Can someone help me out?

  • They are properly color coded on ETC's tracking consoles in both Stage and Blind, but ETC's cue-only desks have always had moves in one color during playback.

    I don't exactly know why, but it probably has something to do with the Express/ion desks having two playback faders, and needing to sum the pair of outputs.  And perhaps that those consoles can play back cues in any order (Cue 5 ABGo). But that's just a guess...

    I don't know that a good answer actually exists... it's just one of those things that has always been that way.
