Open Emphasis backup file (.ecs extension)

I programmed a show with an ETC Emphasis console and I made a backup. Now, I have the backup file with a .ecs extension, but I no longer have the console.
I downloaded the ETC software for EOS Family, but I couldn't open the file.
Is there any way of open the .ecs file in my computer to get a report of the show? Other peple told me to export it to ASCII and open the file in another desk, but I don't know if it's possible.

Thank you very much.

  • It is possible, but will take a little bit of translation to do it.

    First download the Expression Offline software. Once this is installed then you can Import your .ecs file into the Expression Offline [File-- Import Show]. Once you have the show loaded into Expression Offline we can convert it to ASCII [Convert-- Write ASCII...].

    You can now take this ASCII file and import it into the Eos you have. [File-- Import-- USITT ASCII-- As Library Fixtures-- Browse to your file].

    Once this is done you should be able to access your Emphasis file on the Eos.
  • Thanks matthewwcarroll.
    To import the .ecs file, does it have to be stored in a floppy disk?
    Because I backuped the show with a USB stick and tried to load the file in Expression Offline going to "File--> Load" but I couldn't do it. Seems to be that the software only admits to open .shw files...
    The show was programmed in an Insight 2 with Emphasis console.
    If you say that is has to be imported form a floppy, I'll try to do it tomorrow.

    Thank you again.
  • You can do it off a usb drive. Expression Offline is looking for a .shw file, which is why we need to Import the .ecs file rather than open it.

    If you go to [File--> Import File] in Expression Offline rather than Open or Load then it should allow you to import it. I used to do this for designers regularly when I was running an Emphasis system and they wanted to make offline edits.

    I just opened Expression Offline up again and do not see an option for Load in the File Menu. Can you double check that you chose Import rather than Open.

  • You can do it off a usb drive. Expression Offline is looking for a .shw file, which is why we need to Import the .ecs file rather than open it.

    If you go to [File--> Import File] in Expression Offline rather than Open or Load then it should allow you to import it. I used to do this for designers regularly when I was running an Emphasis system and they wanted to make offline edits.

    I just opened Expression Offline up again and do not see an option for Load in the File Menu. Can you double check that you chose Import rather than Open.
