Adding an upfade to an already existing upfade submaster button

Hello everyone,

New here as you can tell.  I am the soundman for our church and part time drummer as well.  We have an Exress 24/48 console installed. The fellow that knew anything at all about this board moved to Orlando without so much as a goodbye.  So far I have been able to read the manual and figure out how to set up a few submixes useing the bump buttons to set up a couple of scenes.  This works well with our AV guys because they don't know how the board works at all. I have the board set as "one scene with subs". All my presets are on the sub channels so all the AV guys have to do is push a couple of buttons to make the lights work.

My question: ? 

I  have one set of lights on sub (1) with an upfade of 5 mins. ( at the end of 5 mins this set of lights are at 100%)  I would like to add a second set of lights to this same sub  that are one a differant sub (6) to start fading in at the one min mark.  So that after the 5 min upfade both sets are at full.  I know all of this is in the manual but I'm afraid I don't know what its called or where to look.  I hope this info is enough for you guys and gals to help me out but if not just tell me what info you need and maybe by Sunday morning I will have it all set up.  Thanks in advance. 

John Mayfield AKA  Major Buzz

  • majbuzz:
    I  have one set of lights on sub (1) with an upfade of 5 mins. ( at the end of 5 mins this set of lights are at 100%)  I would like to add a second set of lights to this same sub  that are one a differant sub (6) to start fading in at the one min mark.  So that after the 5 min upfade both sets are at full.

    John, I understand why the board is set up this way.  But, alas, the "in the manual" way to do what you want is to write two cues and link them together. Before I try to tell you over the internet how to do that, I have to ask you if you are willing to use Cues, because I suspect you would rather not.

    One alternative to Cues is to write a Macro that will press the second submaster button for you, but a theater that would rather not use Cues is not likely to want to have a Macro "playing" on a board that no one's even sittting at!  And if anyone presses a button on the board, the macro will stop.

    If you don't want the second set of lights to show any glow at all until one minute has passed (and certainly that's how I understand what you wrote), one way to handle it would be to put a curve on the dimmer patch of those lights only.  But I think that's a mistake in this situation.  It makes the board do things that you "can't see", and I don't recommend that for a Submaster-only operation.

    Sorry not to be more helpful. 

  • Hey Timothy,

    This console has so much stuff on it (keypads, buttons,faders, lights) that these people (all volunteers) are lucky to find the power button. I dont think adding cues will help at this time.  I  will keep at it.  And thanks for your input.. what I have so far is  a five min upfade Sub (1) then I tell the AV guys to hit the button on Sub (5) at the 4 min mark so everything is 100% at show time. I was just hopeing to put it all together on a single sub.  



  • Are there any changes taking place during the service after this base look is established?  If not, it would be easy to write one macro that would trigger both subs at their appropriate times (one button press instead of two with patience/timing involved).  I would be happy to walk you through the process of writing a macro (it isn't very difficult) if you are interested in learning it, or you can Email me your show file and I can write a macro for you and send it back.



  • Are there any changes taking place during the service after this base look is established?  If not, it would be easy to write one macro that would trigger both subs at their appropriate times (one button press instead of two with patience/timing involved).  I would be happy to walk you through the process of writing a macro (it isn't very difficult) if you are interested in learning it, or you can Email me your show file and I can write a macro for you and send it back.



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