Is there any way to disable channel faders on a board for security reasons?

Here is the short story, we have a member in our crew who keeps on messing around with the control board and trying to annoy both the music/theater department teachers and I myself (head electrician/designer). Is there any way to disable channels temporarily like parking them @0 to prevent someone from going on the board and purposely leaving the lights on?
  • AH...Mischievous people can be annoying, While parking could work there will be a prompt on the screen to indicate it is active, if you mischievous crew member knows how to operate the console to any extent they will see though it, an alternative would be to UNPATCH the dimmers, there would be no prompt to this, and if you run a ONE - ONE format there is a patch reset in the setup, otherwise, just save to disk and put it away somewhere safe. There is no fool proof method to lock a console, and hopefully your annoying crew member is just walking by and pushing up subs and knows very little as to what makes a console really work.
  • AH...Mischievous people can be annoying, While parking could work there will be a prompt on the screen to indicate it is active, if you mischievous crew member knows how to operate the console to any extent they will see though it, an alternative would be to UNPATCH the dimmers, there would be no prompt to this, and if you run a ONE - ONE format there is a patch reset in the setup, otherwise, just save to disk and put it away somewhere safe. There is no fool proof method to lock a console, and hopefully your annoying crew member is just walking by and pushing up subs and knows very little as to what makes a console really work.
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