Is there any way to disable channel faders on a board for security reasons?

Here is the short story, we have a member in our crew who keeps on messing around with the control board and trying to annoy both the music/theater department teachers and I myself (head electrician/designer). Is there any way to disable channels temporarily like parking them @0 to prevent someone from going on the board and purposely leaving the lights on?
  • hide the DMX cable on them :D or if you dont want to do that program a macro to park the channels. trust me i know how annoying that people are when it comes to stuff like that.  There's two people i know who do that kind of stuff.  1 person thinks the lights should always be on (even when nothing is happening that needs those lights) and the likes to fool around for no reason.

    [edited by: quadman9647 at 3:37 PM (GMT -6) on Thu, Oct 23 2008]
  • hide the DMX cable on them :D or if you dont want to do that program a macro to park the channels. trust me i know how annoying that people are when it comes to stuff like that.  There's two people i know who do that kind of stuff.  1 person thinks the lights should always be on (even when nothing is happening that needs those lights) and the likes to fool around for no reason.

    [edited by: quadman9647 at 3:37 PM (GMT -6) on Thu, Oct 23 2008]
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